Monday, July 11, 2016

Catching Up with Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani is on the cover of this month's Harper's Bazaar. Here's what she had to say:

On editing herself in the media:
"It's because I have children. As a famous person, you start to think,'I can't say all that because I'll embarrass them or hurt them in some way.' And especially now because they can see everything and hear everything." She adds with some pride, "But I've done nothing I'm ashamed of ... Well, we all have a few things we're ashamed of."

On having son Apollo in 2014 at the age of 44:
"Yep, it was a surprise, but it was also the beginning of a waking up, like, 'Oh, my God, that's beyond this world.' He was kind of another beginning. And literally as soon as he was born,they called me about The Voice. [Apollo was] only 11 months old when everything happened. Everybody knows what happened next. February 9. I obviously know the date."

On her split from Gavin Rossdale:
"It was the beginning of hell. Like six, seven, eight months of torture, trying to figure out this big secret...what happened was praying. That's my childhood, that's how I was raised. And I think I strayed from that. But you know when it gets that bad, you just get desperate? You're on your knees. You're like, 'What do I do?' You can't even go to your parents and ask them what to do. It was so insane because not only did my family break up, but then my kids are taken away like half the time, so that was really like, 'What?! What did I do?' My dreams were shattered. All I wanted my whole life was to have babies, be married, like what my parents have. Then I remember thinking,'There's gotta be a reason for this.' Of course you go through the 'Why me?' and feel sorry for yourself. But then I was like, 'No, this happened to me already and I made something good out of it,' and that was Tragic Kingdom. I had spent a lot of years not being confident about my songwriting. But I know that's all I had left, and that was my gift. I had read somewhere if you don't have gratitude and confidence in what you've been given, you're nowhere." 

Read the full article at Harper's Bazaar.

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