Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tamara Tattles Blind Item - Time to Pucker Up!

On this Real Housewife’s first season, she was very lucky that the OG of the show took her under her wing and gave her a chance. That rarely happens. In her second season, she completely abandoned her mentor when the mentor was taking fire from multiple sides. Instead of providing her former friend a healthy, healing oasis, she eventually jumped ship with the rest of the rats, leaving her friend adrift.

The problem is that she doesn’t understand how these shows work. The OG will always be the OG and the rest of the rats eventually fell back in line the next season. This Housewife did not. She decided to drag her submissive spouse into her cat fight. It got ugly. So ugly that this may be her last season. Could be one of the worst edits in history. Which is a shame since she just moved into a new place that was more filming-friendly.

Which is a shame since she just moved into a new place that was more filming friendly.

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