Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Don't Fuck With Mandy Patinkin

Some asshat had the gall to show up 30 minutes late to see National Treasure Mandy Patinkin performing a concert to benefit the National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene. Page Six reports that the following exchange took place, as dramatized below:

National Treasure Mandy Patinkin: "Why are you late? You were sending an email? To who?"

Asshat: *mumbles something about being a financial advisor*

National Treasure Mandy Patinkin: "This hurts me in my soul. You know what would make me feel better? If you donated $25,000 right now."

Asshat: *balks*

Heckler: "Let it go"

National Treasure Mandy Patinkin: "I'm not letting it go! The Yiddish culture means too much to me. every character I've ever played, I've played Jewish: Inigo Montoya? Jewish. Che Guevara? Jewish. Except Saul Berenson. He's Roman Catholic."

Crowd: *roars with laughter because National Treasure Mandy Patinkin is hilarious*

Mensch: *offers up a donation of $5K*

National Treasure Mandy Patinkin: *Matches donation of $5K, and goes on with the show!*

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