Back to the 90s for this one. It’s a clash between two powerful show business figures, one a legitimate mainstream mogul and the other a controversial nonconformist personality. Our A-list personality used to slam our A-list mogul for her various problems (weight, persona, show) on his own show and our A-list mogul, who famously gets on well with everyone, used to rage hard at the A-list personality’s harsh words.
She’d have interns report on what the A-list personality would say and when she discovered his brutal review of her, she’d go crazy and rage at everyone around her, throwing things and firing people.
Ultimately, the two enjoyed a stint at the same company and it was amongst the A-list mogul’s perks that she would never have to encounter the A-list personality. That meant, someone had to be on retainer to ensure their schedules never conflicted. Our A-list personality, now reformed in his ways and probably more B-list, has attempted to make up with our mogul, but she’s ignored all his attempts.
Our A-list mogul now is starting to feel this way about an A-list TV host, who seems to have learned the ropes from our A-list personality.
Who is the A-list mogul?
Who is the A-list personality?
Who is the A-list TV host?
Source: The Gossip Life