Friday, December 18, 2015

David Foster Drives Bus Over Ex Yolanda

A metaphorical bus, of course. Yesterday, David Foster's people called TMZ to tell them about how much money he still gives Yolanda. But David Foster's ego wasn't soothed enough by that press, so he directed someone to call Us Weekly and tell them that Yolanda is faking Lyme Disease. A couple of David's people told Us Weekly the following:

“David and his family think Yolanda just loves the attention of being sick. They believe she’s exaggerating her condition. And they point out that she’s never gotten a legit diagnosis or a second or third opinion...He didn’t understand why Yolanda wouldn’t leave The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills if she’s in so much pain and so tired. He’s famous and private and rich, so it was frustrating Yolanda wanted to do this show so badly.” 

The sources also pointed out that David has spent over $5 million on Yolanda's medical treatments. You stay classy, David!