Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Johnny Depp's Extravagant Spending Habits

Johnny Depp recently sued The Management Group for serious misconduct, and alleged that the group lost a bunch of his money. The Hollywood Reporter announces that The Management Group is responding by listing Johnny's spending habits. 

Attorney Michael Kump writes in the cross-complaint, "Depp lived an ultra-extravagant lifestyle that often knowingly cost Depp in excess of $2 million per month to maintain, which he simply could not afford. Depp, and Depp alone, is fully responsible for any financial turmoil he finds himself in today. [Among the examples of excess listed by TMG is $75 million spent on 14 residences, $18 million spent on a luxury yacht and $30,000 per month spent on wine.] Depp also paid over $3 million to blast from a specially-made cannon the ashes of author Hunter Thompson over Aspen, Colorado."

TMG is asking that a judge declare that "Depp is responsible for his own financial waste."

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