Friday, February 3, 2017

Blind Gossip Blind Item - Tapes Are Back On The Table

A couple of years ago, when everyone was buzzing that an adult video featuring this young celebrity couple was about to be released, we told you that was not going to happen.

Since then, they have actually made several videos, but she agreed that she should spend more time building up a mainstream brand for herself before going that route.

So, it’s been a couple of years… and we just found out that the discussion about releasing the tapes is back on the table!

"[The Guy] really wants to put it out because he is broke. Plus, he’s packing big so he wouldn’t be embarrassed if people saw his dick on film.

[The Girl] is 50/50 on putting it out, but she is easily influenced by [The Guy], who is constantly in her ear telling her how this is going to make her a bigger star.

[The Manager] says definitely not. Although it would open up [The Girl] to a larger, more adult audience, it would also torpedo her current money-making audience, the young adult market. She’s not willing to give up that cash cow yet."

We know that the tape WILL eventually be released. This is just about the timing… and about to whom The Girl listens when it comes to her career.

Going forward, expect gossipy leaks and teases every six months or so to test the waters to see if the timing is finally right.

The Guy:

The Girl:

Source: Blind Gossip

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