Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Blind Gossip Blind Item - The Sudden Boyfriend

We told you very recently about the staged relationship between this very famous singer and her actor boyfriend.

Specifically, we told you that the relationship was created for publicity; that she wanted him to show up for her big gig to support her even though they were no longer “dating”; and that he was planning to move on to a new faux relationship soon.

Well, he did show up for the gig. And while he was there he told her about the new faux girlfriend that was planned. (Yes, BG readers knew about this before The Singer did!)

Well, that certainly didn’t turn out the way Singer planned! She was going to use The Actor’s presence at the gig to create buzz that they might be getting back together! Not only did she now have to downgrade his attendance from “possibly getting back together” to “supportive friend”… she was now facing the embarrassment of him moving on to a “serious” relationship before her!

What to do? Immediately recruit a new “boyfriend”!

No time to interview replacements, so a single, age-appropriate man who has a vested interest in her success kindly volunteered. He’s very convenient, there are no contracts required, he won’t create any drama, he makes her look desirable, and she can focus on her work. Fake…. but actually quite perfect!


Her Actor Ex:

Source: Blind Gossip

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