Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blind Gossip Exclusive Blind Item - Photo Finish Fight

This musical couple is still pushing their relationship through the publicity machine. However, before you start believing all those reports about how they will be walking down the aisle soon, you should definitely read this!

"They had a fight over the phone. He told her that he was real tired of all this and that he didn’t want to do more photo ops and that he had “real work” to do (his music). She was yelling at him and he was rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

He was mad when he got off the phone and he stomped around for a bit, and then he said he was going to go see [His Ex] and he left.

After he left, the crew was talking about how he’s avoiding [Female Singer] and how he feels like he doesn’t have any room to breathe and that he would be in a better mood once he got back from [His Ex’s] house."

Say what? When he’s not happy with Female Singer, he goes to see His Ex? Even though all the press reports says that he supposedly “loves” Female Singer and supposedly “hates” His Ex and avoids her at all costs?


But the story doesn’t end there!

"Somehow [Female Singer] found out that he was with [His Ex]. A couple of days later, [Female Singer] SHOWED UP AT HIS HOUSE, UNANNOUNCED, IN HER TOUR BUS, WITH HER ENTIRE CREW!

He was real mad. He doesn’t like [Female Singer] stalking him, he doesn’t like surprises, and he doesn’t want all these people at his private house.

She said that she didn’t have a choice but to show up unannounced because he was avoiding her. Then she started yelling about how him meeting up with [His Ex], that she knew he was seeing other women too, and that he had to stop before everybody found out, and that he was going to ruin everything.

She wasn’t going to leave until she got some good photos of her at his house, so they went off together to fight some more and take some photos while the rest of us just stood around."

Male Singer:

Female Singer:

Male Singer’s Ex Wife:

Source: Blind Gossip - It's An Exclusive!

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