Friday, August 5, 2016

Tamara Tattles Blind Item - She's Been Around the Block

On every reality show that has continued for a few seasons, the cast members tend to form alliances. These alliances can change drastically during the off season and friends can become enemies and enemies can become frenemies as they all jockey for position and screen time in the next season. If you are in a minority alliance with just two people, it might be wise to attempt to befriend someone in the majority alliance.

Wisdom is not a particularly strong suit when it comes to most reality show participants. The focus of this blind is more lacking than most in that regard. That is why she seemed to think nothing of sleeping with the father of one of her cast mate's child. He is just another on a long street of "dates" that always seem to supply some sort of financial gain. Last I checked he lived with his latest "baby momma" and three children.

One would think she would keep this on the low down. However, the cast mate was made aware of the situation and it will likely be a storyline. When confronted, the guilty party will once again deny the relationship as being nothing more than good friends. For someone with only one friend on the cast and one in production, she sure has a whole string of good friends that she only sees long enough to acquire some good shoes.

Source: Tamara Tattles

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