Monday, August 8, 2016

Tamara Tattles Blind Item - Making Waves

This reality show participant, who certainly thinks he is the star of the show, really enjoys being noticed in his adopted hometown. Word on the street is that he likes to show up alone at the local bars and restaurants and strut around until he is recognized by someone and then gather them around to buy him food and drinks.

When he is not successful in reeling people in, or when he comes in to eat a meal during off peak hours, he is extremely high maintenance with the wait staff. You know the type. He's that person that always wants to change the menu. To top it all off, he is a terrible tipper. The type no one wants him seated in their section. It seems like with each season of the show he becomes even more of an unbearable prick. 

What makes things even worse is that he of all people should know how to treat members of the service industry.

Source: Tamara Tattles