Wednesday, August 10, 2016

An Update in the Depp Heard Divorce Saga

Amber Heard's long-awaited deposition finally took place on Saturday. TMZ reports that the deposition was scheduled to begin at 10am. Amber finally dragger her ass there at 11:50am, stayed until 9pm, but never actually got deposed. Why? Her side states that Amber was in an adjoining room the whole time, but no explanation is given as to why she never entered the deposition room, where a court reporter, videographer, and Depp's lawyers waited for her. Hmm, sounds kind of suspect.

As for Depp's side, his lawyer Laura Wasser filed documents stating that Amber was repeatedly asked to come to the room for the deposition, and repeatedly refused, even going so far as to start crying and carrying on in the adjoining office. Yep, that sounds like the real story. The trial is set for next week. With no deposition, Depp's side is asking either for Heard to be barred from testifying, or for the judge to dismiss the domestic violence case outright.

Don't worry about Heard, she has Elon Musk's billions with which to dry her tears.

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