Monday, March 7, 2016

Outtie Announcement On Banishment

Dear Anarchists,
Since this website started, a few commenters have had to be banned. Do I make an announcement every time that happens? No, that would be weird. But it seems that it's time to re-address our policies here at Anarchy. 

So far, here is the list of things that get you banned - telling another commenter to die or to kill themselves, spamming, doxxing, and a new one that I never thought that I would have to deal with here until it happened two weeks ago - Anti-Semitism. Hate speech has no place on Anarchy. Sorry for springing that one on you, but really I thought it went without saying. Apparently not so much, sadly. No, I'm not going to republish what was said (the whole post was pulled); it was that offensive.

It's not easy to make these decisions, and I don't take them lightly, but sometimes it has to be done to keep this the safe, supportive, and amazing community that Anarchy has become. Snarking and swearing are always welcome, as are differing opinions, gifs, and naked pictures. I know some people think we're too nice here; fuck 'em!

Let's make it another great week, Anarchists!


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