Friday, March 11, 2016

Cameron Diaz Gives Age-Appropriate Advice

Cameron Diaz recently sat down for an interview with Women's Health Magazine, where she gives advice to women of different age groups. The magazine quotes her as follows:

In Your 20s
"Bone mass is really important in your twenties— after that, we don’t build much bone anymore. So your twenties are your best chance to build bone through nutrition, physical activity, and strength training.”

In Your 30s
“After 35, most women’s eggs start to dwindle. There’s no way of knowing until you test yourself. That might be something you want to do in your early thirties if your fertility is important to you.”

In Your 40s
“Make connections, make friends, join communities, and really honor yourself. You’re getting ready to make that transition to menopause, so pay attention to where you’re at emotionally, physically, and mentally. The women who stress have it longer and harder, but the ones who accept it have it shorter and less severe.”

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