Friday, January 8, 2016

Outtie Announcement - Moderation

Hello Anarchists!

Disqus has worked hard to tighten up their spam filters, but wanted to give you a friendly reminder that there is still a "restricted word" list. If you use one of the words in your comment, your comment automatically gets sent straight to moderation instead of posting right to the site. The list isn't so much a list anymore, as one word. But any time that word has been taked off the "restricted" list, the site immediately gets spammed by weirdos offering you work from home. I don't know how they know when the word comes off the list, but they do, so the word stays on because it does work to prevent spam.

Apologies in advance if your comment gets sent to moderation instead of posting right to the site (it's happened more than usual this week, hence the post about it). I will go in and approve it as soon as I see it.


P.S. No, it's not fuck. It's a benign word used in normal conversation (and job postings). If you can't figure it out, that's a good sign; it means you haven't been affected by the auto moderation. And no, links do not send you to moderation either (if that has happened, it's an issue with Disqus, not Anarchy). Won't say which word it is, because then the spambots would modify which word they use in their posts.

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