Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blind Gossip Blind Item - Porky Pies

For years, people have referred to this TV girl as The Nice One or The Real One.

That’s not her, folks. That’s a character.

She is actually just as big a liar, a phony, and an opportunist as everyone around her. It’s interesting that people seem to be catching on to that fact just now.

We were going to compile a list of all her porky pies, but we think it would be more interesting if you did it. Starting with her appearance, list everything that’s fake about her. Then move on to her workouts, her parentage, her relationships with men, and anything else you can think of. For an added bonus, tell us the amount of $$$ all of this fakery has earned her.

The list will be long, but it will help you see for yourself just how phony she is… and how profitable all that phoniness has been.

BG Note: Porky pies = lies in Cockney rhyming slang. Actual pork pies are delicious with Colman’s mustard.


Source: Blind Gossip