Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blind Gossip Blind Item - Obvious Father

This celebrity couple just discovered that they are pregnant. So what’s holding up the announcement?

The couple was going through a rough patch a couple of months ago. We don’t know what the argument was about, but it was serious enough that he took off for a couple of days. He just told him that she needed some space and took off.

Well, while he was getting some space, she hooked up with a sympathetic friend (who is also a celebrity). So now she is not sure which of the two men is the real father of the baby.

Without commenting too much on the appearance of the three people involved here, let’s just say that if the pregnancy goes to term, it will be VERY obvious which of the two men is the father! It will be interesting to see if she takes that chance.




Her Ex:

Source: Blind Gossip