Friday, July 31, 2015

Why Hollywood Marriages Fail

Relationship Expert Fawn Weaver has written a new book called The Argument-Free Marriage. Cindy Adams recently asked her to talk about the reason why so many Hollywood marriages fail. Page Six quotes her as follows:

"Keep to your original emotion. Bitterness comes from acceleration. Hurt, sad, sorry, disappointed, your original vulnerable emotion is fixable. But obsessing about it, you feel yourself going crazy. Continued pressing on a car’s gas without using the brake accelerates it. Needed is a deceleration law. Relationship issues turn to anger. Instead of saying simply, ‘You hurt me,’ we strike out without pausing to address the basic vulnerable emotion of hurt. 

It must be stop, self-inspect, return to the original emotion. This idea began after 12 years of marriage. Upset over my husband’s argument, I walked outside for an hour deciding not to use words I’d regret. No shouting and finger-pointing. I said instead, quietly, ‘You hurt me.’ But it takes a strong person who’s not afraid to say, ‘You hurt me.’ Movie stars break up because there’s no mutual respect. To begin, they’re insecure. Say there’s two calls. One from the star’s wife, one from his p.r. person. He’ll answer the p.r. person’s call first.”

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