Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tom Hardy Talks Addiction

Tom Hardy recently sat down for an interview with Yahoo! New Zealand, where he talked about his past struggles with addiction. The publication quotes him as follows:

"I would have sold my mother for a rock of crack. I was a shameful suburban statistic. I was told very clearly, 'You go down that road, Tom, you won't come back. That's it. All you need to know.' That message stayed with me clearly for the rest of my days. I am fucking lucky to be here."

He also talked about breaking into Hollywood:

"People didn't sit up and take any notice of me until I started putting on weight, kicking people and being aggressive. The trouble with Hollywood is that they want you to be something, then they think you're who they wanted you to be. I'm not a fighter. I'm a petite little bourgeois boy from London."

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