Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Jennifer Aniston Looks Ahead

Jennifer Aniston recently sat down for an interview with Marie Claire. Here's what she had to say:

On why she decided to write her Huffington Post op-ed: 
"My marital status has been shamed; my divorce status was shamed; my lack of a mate had been shamed; my nipples have been shamed. It's like, Why are we only looking at women through this particular lens of picking us apart? Why are we listening to it? I just thought: I have worked too hard in this life and this career to be whittled down to a sad, childless human."

On what's next for her: 
"This is a time when I'm not completely sure what I'm doing. I'm at this sort of crossroads trying to figure out what inspires me deep in my core. What used to make me tick is not necessarily making me tick any- more ... The most challenging thing right now is trying to find what it is that makes my heart sing."

On her husband Justin Theroux: 
"Why is he the right person for me? All I know is that I feel completely seen, and adored, in no matter what state. There's no part of me that I don't feel comfortable showing, exposing. And it brings forth the best part of myself, because I care about him so much. And he's such a good person. It hurts me to think of anything hurting him."

On how she picks her acting roles: 
"You have to be so madly in love with it and think, I will be so upset if I don't go and play this person...Especially these days, with Justin in Melbourne. It has to be worth it."

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