Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Drew Barrymore Talks Not Spoiling Her Kids

Drew Barrymore recently sat down for an interview with People, where she talked about holiday gifting traditions for daughters Olive, 4, and Frankie, 2 1/2. Here's what she had to say:

“Instead of buying them toys, because I’m obviously cautious and don’t want to spoil them, I buy them lots of arts and crafts. They’re more inclined to share, it’s more communal, they make stuff. And I think it’s very perspective-appropriate, because they’re making things. A made thing is the best gift always.”

On holiday gifting in general:
“I think giving gifts that feel personalized is really the key, not making it feel like that last minute mad dash when you’re just grabbing something to get something for people. When you put their name on it, or put a picture on it, or make it personal, you know that person thought of you early. And it really means a lot.”

On Christmas trees:
“[I’ll get one] right when they’re everywhere and in your face that you need to get your tree. I’m not organized about it. I see them on the street and am like, ‘You gotta get a tree.' For me when I saw Christmas ornaments as a kid, it immediately brought me back to a certain — it was like a heightened senses moment. That cliché brown box in the garage that says with Sharpie ‘Christmas ornaments.'”

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