Thursday, March 24, 2016

Disqus Fixed (Hopefully)

Dear Anarchists,

Word on the street is that Disqus has been messed up on all Blogger sites because Blogger directs people to country-specific sites (e.g. if you're in Canada, the web address ends with ".ca" instead of ".com", so you only see comments from other people that commented on ".ca" and none from people that commented on ".com"). I don't know why this is just becoming an issue between the two platforms, because that change happened back in 2015, but whatevs. I added the patch that forces everyone onto the ".com" site, regardless of what country you're posting from. 

In theory, that will fix the comment problem going forward (older threads might still be buggy). If you comment tomorrow on one of the new posts and it doesn't show, or if you are unable to view any comments for one of tomorrow's posts, shoot me an email at and I will investigate further. But I'm cautiously optimistic that the problem is solved.

Have a great night, Anarchists!


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