Thursday, July 23, 2015

Colin Quinn Talks Public Urination

Colin Quinn recently had a funny talk with The Hollywood Reporter about the public urination problem in New York City. An excerpt is below:

"What are my thoughts on public urination? My question is, what is it about New York that just makes people want to pee outside instead of using a nice restroom?

I got a ticket for public urination once — when I was 19, on the train, probably the F train. They sent it to some other Colin Quinn, in another part of Brooklyn. And years later, I ran into his brothers, and they go, 'So you're the Colin Quinn that our brother got a ticket for peeing on the train!' They sent it to his house, so I never paid it.

People had different attitudes toward urination in those days because all the bars had these troughs, with eight guys all lined up next to each other and peeing. There were no cubicles, so obviously, there was a more public attitude toward urination in general. But all your life, you just saw people peeing in the street. In the past 15 years, it's only been at the end of a parade, you'll see some public urination. St. Patrick's Day was always the only day you were allowed to publicly urinate; I think it's legal for one day a year. But there's not enough bathrooms to hold all the beer bladders, so now it's becoming a thing. 

I saw someone take it a step further the other day, too. We're talking about public defecation. I've seen a couple of those in my life, but this one was a shocker because, well, it's been a few years."

Read the full article at The Hollywood Reporter.

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