Sunday, March 8, 2015

Brody Criz's Epic Bar Mitzvah Invitation


  1. Two things.

    1. Where is Count?

    2. I was still able to read CDAN in an abbreviated state when the mobile site worked. Did Enty Eff that place up AGAIN?!?

    3. Who is Brody Criz?

    1. Ala- these are good questions. The count has another post more open to his porno posts, cdan seems to be constant state of flux, and i hv no idea who this person is.

    2. Thank you. I do miss counts posts.

    3. Alabama: Check in on holidays and award show evenings, because Count usually comes by to say hello

  2. Watched video because im bored shitless-self indulgent thing only family wld or shld appreciate.

  3. Didn't watch this but it reminds me of a post a past employee of mine put on Facebook. Seems a friend if her sons was told that she would be unable to go to his Bar Mitzvah because they were Catholic and it wasn't allowed. My friend was extremely hurt and asked if it was true. Thank goodness her Catholic friends told her they never heard of such a thing. Hiding prejudice behind religious dogma. Sad in this day and age. I'd it matters to the story they live in FL.

  4. I live in Florida and Catholic and I assure you...we're totally allowd to go to bar mitzvahs etc. Maybe this person just didn't want to go and couldn't think of an acceptable reason.

    1. SusanB: by no means did I mean to dis FL. My sister lives there. But of course it was just an excuse. We all know there is nothing in the Catholic religion that prevents someone of the faith witnessing a tradition in a church of a different faith. That was the point. It was so transparent as to be insulting. And it was this one person, not the entire church of course.

      Nowadays there are loads of mixed marriages between Jews and Catholics where both religions are incorporated and they're quite lovely celebrations.

  5. Mb his family wouldnt allow it. I know of other situations where, well in this case, the girls were going to alot of catholic school boy dances. Father put a stop to it because he said it cant go anywhere. Some religions just want to stay within their own religion. Me? Any party is ok with me!! Lol

    1. Agreed AuntLicky. Any reason to celebrate. I've worked catering after a Mitzvah but have never witnessed the ceremony. Makes me wonder if my SIL's will have a Bat Mitzvah for my nieces. I would so love to see the temple part and not just the party.
