This blind item is complicated and involves a LOT of very famous celebrities, so hold on!
Female Singer was dating Younger Male Singer… but is now suddenly dating Athlete.
Athlete was dating Rich Lady… but is now suddenly dating Female Singer.
What the heck? Do you find the timing of all of this very sudden and very odd? You should!
Yes, Female Singer always has to be linked to a man. Yes, Athlete loves dating celebrities. However, their “relationship” came uncomfortably soon after they each “broke up” with their respective paramours.
We found out that there’s a reason for that!
No, it is NOT because Athlete was secretly cheating on Rich Lady with Female Singer, or because Female Singer was secretly cheating on Younger Male Singer with Athlete.
Those conclusions would be logical – and would make for some excellent gossip – but they are simply not true.
It is all because Female Singer needed a “save.”
You see, Female Singer’s reputation took a hit when she was recently blamed for the sudden demise of her Ex-Husband’s current marriage.
Bad girl! Homewrecker!
Female Singer was ABOUT to get blamed for getting in the way of this OTHER troubled celebrity marriage between an Actor and his Actress wife.
Bad girl! Homewrecker!
Uh, oh! Two home wrecking allegations in a short period of time? Oh, hell no!
They needed to link Female Singer to a man, FAST!
Her last “boyfriend”, Younger Male Singer, had already exited the picture and was dating other women, so she couldn’t suddenly reconcile with him without looking weak.
They had to scramble to find a suitable replacement.
Athlete is good-looking, rich, famous, was just coming back on the market, and he and Female Singer have known each other for many years. It was easy to do a little revisionist history to pretend that they have been dating for the past couple of months.
This timing puts Female Singer in the clear.
You can’t blame her for busting up the Athlete/Rich Lady relationship… because she supposedly started dating Athlete AFTER their breakup.
You can’t blame her for busting up the Actor/Actress marriage… because she supposedly started dating Athlete BEFORE those rumors about her contacting Actor began.
Saved by revisionist history!
It’s actually quite clever. And now you know why it all happened so fast.
Female Singer:
Her Ex-Husband:
Rich Lady:
Younger Male Singer:
Source: Blind Gossip