Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tamara Tattles Blind Item - Rocky Relationship

The rumor mill has been swirling for months about the relationship of this reality show participant. One minute they are shopping for a new home together, the next they are at each others throats, so the streets say. Let’s call her Nanny.

Nanny has a history of tumultuous relationships that should scare off the majority of suitors.  And yet, her current beau is deeply enamored with her. He feels as though he knows her inside and out. What he seems to take issue with is her constants publicity seeking behavior. Nanny has problems maintaining any sort of line between her personal life and her public one. She tries. But her efforts are inconsistent.

On paper, Nanny should be incredibly happy. She has done quite well for herself in every possible arena except her relationships, which are consistently volatile.

Currently, the couple is on again. They spent some of the holiday on a brief vacation. However, the word on the street is the relationship has a limited shelf life and a nearing its expiration date. They are at the makeup and breakup stage where both sides keep hoping for a happily ever after. It may well work itself out. But I would bet against this one.

Source: Tamara Tattles

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