Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Allison Williams Looks Past Girls

Allison Williams is on the cover of Glamour's February issue along with her Girls costars, where she ponders her future after the final season of Girls airs beginning February 12th on HBO. Here's what she had to say:

Williams on how much longer she would like to play Marnie on Girls...

"As long as they'll have me. I would never ever get sick of playing her, because there is no sense of 'Oh, I've done that already.' It's all new—new scenarios, new feelings."

Williams on when she'll start a family of her own...

"I have a lot of questions: How do I get to a place in my career where I can go be a mom for a little while, and then come back and be a mom and an actress at the same time?...Every time I find a woman in film, an actress who has kids, I, like a sociopath, corner her and ask, 'How did it work?' Everyone says, 'Don't think so much.' Jemima [Kirke], from Girls, is always saying, 'Just get pregnant! Just have a baby.' And I'm like, 'You are so much cooler than I am.' I love what I do, but I have no doubt that when I start my family, that's life. This is my job, but that's life."

Williams on her goals for the future...

"I have vague EGOT [Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony] goals. Who doesn't? I have zero of those so far, so I have a lot of work to do."

Williams on public scrutiny...

"[B]eing analyzed about my weight drives me crazy. It's easier to say, 'Oh, she must be anorexic and depriving herself,' than it is to say, 'She might have a fast metabolism.' I deprive myself nothing. But that's an annoying thing to say, right?"

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