Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blind Gossip Blind Item - Macho House

There is a story making the rounds right now about how this singer just bought an unbelievably expensive house for his famous wife in a major city.

"Practically nothing about the story is true. First of all, they have not even made an offer on the house yet. Secondly, the house is ridiculously overpriced. If they do make an offer, it will be well below list. Third, she is worth twice as much as he is.  If they buy any real estate, the cost is shared by them and the home put into a legal trust. She would contribute approximately two thirds and he would contribute approximately one third.

The only reason they say that he is buying the house for her is to make him look macho and generous for buying his wife this incredible gift because he wants to support her professional ambitions. It’s P.R. spin."

It also sounds like a story hyped by real estate folks to bolster the press for one of the city’s 10 most expensive listings.

The singer and his wife already own multiple properties around the world. We’ll find out soon enough if they really are going to be adding this property to their portfolio… or if it was just a lot publicity for the husband, the wife, and the real estate firm.



Source: Blind Gossip

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