Monday, June 22, 2015

Blind Gossip Blind Item - Superstar Versus Superstar

This actor and actress are both superstars in the acting world.
He makes more money and makes headlines more often with his personal life. She has more critical acclaim and more trophies but keeps her personal life out of the headlines. Each has more then thirty films to their credit.
When casting an upcoming film, a young staffer suggested that the two of them would be perfect in the lead roles.
Several people in the room simultaneously jumped up and roared, “NOOO!!! NOOO!!!”
The puzzled staffer asked why they wouldn’t put two of the biggest stars in the world together in the same movie.
Her colleagues explained that the actor and actress did do a film together in the aughts. However, although it was an ensemble film – with several big stars prominently featured – the actor thought that it was all about HIM. He was not the director of the film, but he tried to control of every scene that they were in together. He also thought that he was so important that he tried to push his way into every interview, including those that she was perfectly capable of doing alone or with other cast members. She stayed professional and calm when these things happened, but his behavior was really insulting and infuriating to her.
The film – despite its star  power – flopped at the box office.
More importantly, the actor’s ego and his controlling nature were so offensive to our esteemed actress that she swore she would NEVER work with him again! She is a nice person, but if you call her and try to pitch a film to her that includes that actor… she will hang up on you!
Film they did together:
Source: Blind Gossip

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