Friday, November 17, 2017

Happy Third Anarchversary

We made it through another year! Happy Anarchversary, Anarchists!

As promised three years ago, Anarchy is still ad-free and mobile friendly. And because you sometimes ask, ad-free means there is no revenue. No money is made from this site. This site is not about clickbait and trying to drive up page view numbers to increase revenue, it is about you. It is about the community. And in my opinion, there shouldn't be a profit motive in building a community.

A couple of changes this year: I'm taking weekends off. Sort of. On weekends, all of the open posts will still go up (Reader's Choice, Politically Incorrect, and Free Skate). And Graham Norton and SNL videos will go up when they are in season. And if a big breaking news story happens over the weekend, it will get written up. So weekends will be lighter on the news posts, but the lights will still be on for everyone to come over and hang out.

2017 Has been a crazy year. Thank you for reading and commenting, for snarking and supporting your fellow Anarchists. You are all the reason that this site exists. You are one badass community. Let's make it another great year!


P.S. Posts are a bit spotty today, but will be back to the normal schedule on Monday

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