Friday, June 12, 2015

Refinery 29 Blind Item - The Cereal Caller

"I assisted a CEO of a company that makes movies. He called me 'Sweetie' with the frequency of a character in AbFab. People thought 'Sweetie' was actually my name because I was never called anything else. 

"He would call my cell at 3 a.m., drunk, wondering where his cereal was or where the soy milk was (it was always in the fridge, mind you) and asking me to do impossible-to-accomplish tasks that needed to be done by morning. He would call at all hours and I would have to be available, no matter what. I once got scolded for not picking up his call because I was at a doctor’s appointment. He hated voicemail so much that he made a rule saying that his phone had to be answered after two rings. If anyone had to leave a message, I would get a lecture on how I should multitask better, even though I was answering calls for the entire company at this point. 

"I had to shop for and prepare all of his meals as well as run his office and personal schedules while being the office manager for his whole company during a transition without an office assistant, so I worked around the clock. He looked for someone so I could be his assistant full time, and then he interviewed a girl who had no experience but was ridiculously gorgeous. He hired her, then told me she would be his assistant full time and I would get the lesser position in the office...and yup, you guessed it, I was still totally doing both jobs after she was hired! I put in my notice a month later, the day after another drunken middle-of-the-night 'Sweetie, where's my cereal?' call."

Source: Refinery 29

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