Rock n roll pioneer Chuck Berry has passed away at the age of 90. "While Elvis Presley was rock’s first pop star and teenage heartthrob, Mr. Berry was its master theorist and conceptual genius, the songwriter who understood what the kids wanted before they knew themselves. With songs like “Johnny B. Goode” and “Roll Over Beethoven,” he gave his listeners more than they knew they were getting from jukebox entertainment. His guitar lines wired the lean twang of country and the bite of the blues into phrases with both a streamlined trajectory and a long memory. And tucked into the lighthearted, telegraphic narratives that he sang with such clear enunciation was a sly defiance, upending convention to claim the pleasures of the moment." Berry is survived by his wife Themetta Suggs, and their four children Ingrid Berry, Melody Eskridge, Aloha Isa Leigh Berry, and Charles Berry Jr. Read his full obituary at the New York Times.