Sunday, September 18, 2016

Kristin Cavallari Writing a Cookbook

E! News reports that former The Hills star, current anti-vaxxer and wife of the worst quarterback ever Kristin Cavallari is writing a cookbook. Here's what she has to say:

"I'm so excited to announce that I've been working on a cookbook! I've been dying to talk about this for so long. It's such a blessing. I've actually been working on it for the last couple of years with hopes I'd have a cookbook deal, and it's finally come true, and I'm so excited. It's going to be a reflection of how I eat on a daily basis.

I think with everything in your life, diet is all about balance. So I eat healthy 80 percent of the time, and the other 20 percent, I indulge. I enjoy it. I have fun eating whatever I want. It's a lot of protein, a lot of veggies, a lot of beans, and those kind of sides. There's butter in it, real butter. Limited dairy, however. It's almost gluten-free, there's a couple pasta dishes made with brown rice pasta. A lot of desserts. I have a huge sweet tooth, I just use better ingredients, so I use pure maple syrup, I'm using spelt flour or oat flour, those kinds of things. I essentially eat whatever I want, I just use better ingredients. It's coming out in the spring. Spring 2018, so it's kind of a while, but it's gonna be very light and fresh, using real wholesome ingredients."

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