Thursday, August 1, 2019

Show and Tell 8/1/19

A place to show and tell the latest and greatest from YouTube and Social Media. Here are a few to kick things off:

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If you asked 10 year old me, I don’t think she’d have had any idea what to expect of 30 year old me. Truthfully, the same could probably be said of 29 year old me too 😂 This last year has been full of so many changes, new adventures and great lessons, I’m pretty sure I’m a different woman leaving it than I was entering it. But as I leave my 20s behind, I can’t help but take stock of what I’m leaving with them, including but certainly not limited to: Many inches of hair, a lot of fear about my future and what I want to do with my life, self-consciousness about the fact I no longer fit into many pairs of jeans 😂 youthful, useful eyeballs (though my glasses game is now STRONG), and so many places I used to call home. I leave behind a decade of dancing with friends, crying, as often and openly as my heart needed to heal, eating as much amazing food as my once more active metabolism would allow, drinking with people who made me feel loved and safe, writing constantly and learning, as much as I could get my hands on. I leave behind one of the worst days of my life, and many amazing ones. And I leave behind a decade that helped me grow from being a wide eyed, precocious, old-souled young girl into a bright-eyed, capable and hopeful WOMAN. I don’t know what my 30’s hold for me. I stand, naked, at a new, unexplored precipice, excited and definitely questioning my spelunking abilities. But if the people standing beside me (and wondering why they’re naked too) are as amazing as those Ive spent the last decade with, then 30, BRING IT ON! Oh, and mama? Thank you to you and Dad for bringing me into this world and for always believing in me. I may not have always believed in myself, but HOLY SHIT, I do now!
A post shared by Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) on

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