Monday, October 14, 2019

Show and Tell 10/14/19

A place to show and tell the latest and greatest from YouTube and Social Media. Here are a few to kick things off:

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Leaving the planet a better place for our children, the little choices we can make, and holding ourselves accountable: The other day I had the good fortune of listening to the brilliant Jonathan Safran Foer speak, and he introduced an idea, a plan, a sort of way of living, that really resonated with me. If you don’t know Jonathan, he is the brilliant author of books like “Everything Is Illuminated” and “Extremely loud and Incredibly Close”. He got on stage and shared a story about a couple that came to his book signing last year. Instead of the usual “please sign my book”, he noticed as he opened to page one, a list of promises the couple vowed to make, accompanied by a line that said “witness”, where he was to sign. That list of promises was their tangible form of accountability for how they wished to conduct their lives as tenants of the Earth. Now here comes the next bit- here is what he said that really got me. So many of us say we are going to do things, we make promises, we set an intention. Those intentions are good, they come from an honest place, and we try our best to implement. But, heres the tricky part, they’re so easy to break. Why? Because we have never had to truly hold ourselves accountable. Who is the witness signing on the dotted line? We say we want to recycle, or drive a better car, or fly less, or eat less meat, but life has a way of helping you break those promises when its inconvenient to stick with them. So he made a suggestion that I took in the most literal way, so literal that I came home and had our whole family agree to jump on board with Jonathan’s plan. What if we all made a list. Not one that lives in our heads, but one we write down. And look at. Daily. Now of course everyone’s list will look different, because we all have different lives, but in theory if there are even a few overlapping themes, we will see a whole lot of change. (Continued in comments)
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