Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Katy Perry Talks Privacy

Katy Perry was recently asked at the TCA Panel for American Idol about how she maintains her privacy. Here's what she had to say, as reprinted by E! News:

"It's really like walking a tightrope. You don't have to answer any question. You're not under oath, and even when you are, you know. So, you don't have to answer questions and you don't have to leave breadcrumbs all over social media if you don't want to. But, some people do that and need that and it's a tool and all that stuff."

On how she stays undercover when she goes out:
"I wear like an Adidas tracksuit. You know, like the one Elton John wears and Madonna wear, like they've worn their whole careers? That's the trick. Just wear like the same thing and nobody cares."

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