Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Little Something To Whet Your Appetite

What's up with Johnny Depp?


  1. Jeezus H. Christ...he's either completely loaded or has a neurological impairment manifesting. How in the fresh Hell did he manage to stay upright?!?

  2. Tigercat, here we're old school "first" is fine :)

    Johnny is a mess. You can't even call him a hot mess anymore. I think he should get back with Winona and they can be reclusive messes together. Like Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.

  3. Wow. It's a bad sign when you can't tell if drugs or stroke

    1. I dont think his time with Marilyn Manson has served him well. Not that he wouldnt be a mess anyway. But there was a pic of them smoking pot at his kids school, if i remember correctly.

  4. No doubt he's under the influence of something, but I think he's hamming it up.

  5. Omg wasted. I do not find him attractive. He seems cool but no thanks.

  6. Someone is taking their Hunter S Thompson obsession too close to home.

  7. Wow, that was embarrassing to watch. Zero chance he could play that off as being nervous.
    Agree with Katydid Tiger. "Fris"t should be taken out behind the shed and taken care of in a humane manner. Much like Depp's performance on the show. That's all sorts of yikes.

  8. Wow, that was kind of sad to watch.

  9. Is he morphing into Steven Tyler? I feel like he's turning into a waxy, overly affected sassy grandma or something.

    Also, Pirates was the best and worst thing that ever happened to him.

  10. I read on a gossip site that apparently his speech was very "rock n roll" lol no

  11. Damn I want to see that doc, Shep seems like a badass.

    Oh Johnny, I'd still hit it.

  12. He is a mess. Its beyond old him trying to be cool and eccentric. Now the only weird thing he could do to shock is act normal.

  13. I love Johnny Depp to death but he needs to get his act together!

  14. Things have gone downhill since he changed ladies. Someone who truly cares should have kept him home or tried to sober him up before the show.

  15. Replies
    1. Hiya IJU! Are you ready for Anarchy's big kickoff tomorrow? Hooray!

    2. I certainly am Candyland. Good to see you and all the gang here. I'm Really looking forward to it. It's around 2pm my time, so I'll be here with you all.

  16. Johnny Depp got lucky in hollywood because of of his lovely face.That wasn't enough for him,now he has to do that cringey "cool/possibly drug-addled"act to add interest to an empty vessel

  17. I've never actually understood the appeal.

  18. Never knew I could smell whiskey breath over the Internet!

  19. Wow. Middle-age isn't wearing well on Johnny. He needs to get rid of Amber and disappear for awhile, maybe wash his hair...

  20. Ooh, I like it whet! :) Keep it coming, Outtie! ps I think he's on shrooms.

    1. Shrooms was my first thought as well. "This is the weirdest microphone I've ever seen" was a dead giveaway.

  21. I have the same microphone in my nightstand

  22. Sheesh. Sobriety tests will soon be administered at award shows.

  23. Ewww! I just posted a nice advertisement for this site you know where and this appeared below: "Your comment is awaiting moderation." did that happen to anyone else? I even used a fake email. I'm almost positive I posted once before or maybe not because I don't remember this happening.

    1. Damn it was erased! Maybe I can post the lin.k again without referring to it as Enty's publicity stunt

    2. Lol, damage control being done.

  24. Someone ought to remind this selfish prick that he has 2 kids who are old enough to watch him make a fool of himself on tv/online.
    Go home and try putting them first for a change, Johnny.

    1. He's more worried about his new "love" Amber Heard. It is possible that he wasn't actually drunk... it's barely possible, but it's possible. He's pretty good at playing drunk, so maybe he's trying to make the night a little more entertaining considering the show was a snooze fest.

  25. Yay! I think I'm going to enjoy playing im our new sandbox!!! Cant wait for more Thanks Outtie!!!

  26. Im surprised celebs arent drunk all the time with all the free champagne and booze around them! I like Depp. He even admitted he was drunk at the awards and it was just one of those nights! Haha!

  27. Hehe! And to rub salt in the wound his ex now has a hot new boyfriend too!

  28. I like him too, but this is more than just a drink too many. This is problem drinker wasted. We've all been there, but I doubt we did it before appearing before an audience.

  29. Wow. That looks like beyond drunk to me. Just sad.

  30. This was the talk of the town want it? If you were slated to give an award you'd think you'd back off the booze and hallucinogenics beforehand.

  31. I'd be wasted if I got stuck at one of those awards show too. It was said they only served nuts or popcorn or something like that (no real food) but there was plenty of booze. Who even really cares? They have a million (pat each other on the back) awards shows every year now. I swear there's one every other month. As far as Depp & Paradis breaking up, the only people that know what happened are those two. For all we know Vanessa had been cheating on him for years. She doesn't seem the least bit bothered by it. Obviously Johnny puts up with women that cheat (I hate Amber too). Sick of everybody acting like Vanessa is a saint.

  32. Has anyone ever heard that Johnny is deeeeeep in the closet? It's supposedly one of the best kept secrets in Hollywood.

    1. Julie - yes! And that his role in Ed Wood may have reflected his own cross dressing at home. Not certain if there's any merit to either though.

  33. Is it only me and my simple Midwest upbringing that I think if you are going to be presenting an award or making a speech, etc. you could at least stay straight to accomplish that? Have the shots lined up ready for you as you come off stage if you want, but wait until you've done your job. I also think it was terribly insulting the the recipient of the award. Johnny's reached the age where he should know better. AND, he always looks like he needs to have a stiff scrub brush taken to him.

  34. I used to love Johnny. A friend of mine and I would always go see his new movies at the theater opening weekend together... I think the last time we bothered was with Alice in Wonderland. He's lost whatever "it factor" he used to have and now he's just a drunken/druggy mess. He should have stayed with Vanessa. It seems like her and the kids had a good influence on him and let him be quirky and unique without going totally off the rails. It's a shame, I think he has a lot of talent and used to have a knack for picking cool projects.

  35. Oh man, that was painful, I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I am embarrassed for him. Get your shit together Johnny. It's real bad when your bad habit is now making itself shown to the real world and not just Hollywood. I'm seriously concerned for this man, I would be devastated if he died. He has always been my celeb crush, over 25 years now. Longest love I have ever had. : )

  36. This is why every film he's made in the last 5 years has been shite. I used to love and respect this guy, but he's either pulling off his most successful character role ever, or just genuinely turning into the ultimate jerk.
