Sunday, March 1, 2015

Instagram Pic of the Day

A photo posted by r.p. (@ryanphillippe) on


  1. Okay that's kind of funny. Slow day here at Anarchy.

  2. Would've been cooler if Vader was doing the choke hold

  3. his show looks like a cheaply redo of the killing..the killing is way better
    i'm curious as to why he never publicly acknowledges the kid he had with alexis knapp
    he will wax on and on about his 2 with reeses but never ever mentions or is photographed with the illegitimate fling baby
    i wonder if he ever sees her or just sends a check??

    1. Was the other kid something he was in favor of or one of those situations where - Oopsie honey, I'm pregnant? Kind of like the Eva Menenes/Ryan Gosling situation. It seems there are some dudes that still don't seem to know how condoms work, or that women lie about their birth control. Weird situation all around.

    2. no it's his he took a paternity test when she was born which he made sure the public knew about.. i just watched him do press on extra for this show and he said "yeah i'm a dad i have a 15 yr old and an 11 yr old"
      clearly he doesn't ever acknowledge the other

  4. +1 I think it looks good too. Worth a watch for sure :)

  5. Even Justin Timberlake doesn't wear his hair like that anymore.
