Sunday, March 1, 2015

Free Skate

A post to discuss your nightly TV shows.

A photo posted by betches (@betches) on


  1. ok so girls,
    madame secretary is back too yo..

  2. Replies
    1. I started watching online and just got to the end of season 1. For some reason episode 9 isn't available on the Cinemax website so I went from 8 to 10. Unfortunately it appears a lot went down in episode 9 do I'm feeling confused.

  3. Tonight season finale of Downton!

  4. Battle Creek and Secrets and Lies premier tonight :)

  5. Watched the first episode of HOC, hmmm, I hope it gets better.

    1. I'm on episode 6...and I'm so hoping it gets better too!!

  6. I've decided I probably need to go ahead and start buying the Banshee series on dvd. That show is so damn complex with characters, I could stand to refresh my memory. Plus it's a series I'd watch more than a few times.

  7. I woke up yesterday with a scratched cornea so urgent eye dr on call on sat am. So took to bed as it is so painfull in the dark with a bandage over my eye till mon. Could not watch tv but in the afternoon found I could tolerate iPad so refreshed my memory of S02 House of Cards and finished it up this am before the kids play date at my house all day. Anyone binged S03 yet?

    1. @opie hope your eye is better. I blocked out the entire weekend to binge House of Cards. No spoilers *** Francis Underwood is having a difficult time as President, Claire is still seeking power, and no cruelty to animals this season. Can't wait for Season 4.

    2. I will by next weekend, thanks! Glad no cruelty to animals! He's failing, hum. They are so calculating together and apart.

    3. I was so worried about that little ferret during season two. Glad to hear she's safe!

    4. Black and white Guinnea pig is his pet.whats with his wine collection? When the creeper FBI agent takes two I am wondering if he has his own winery or something! Ha! Just jelly I keep running out of wine here!

  8. After kiddo goes to his dads it's Girls, Looking, john Oliver, TWD, talking dead. Then tomorrow on demand SHO Sunday lineup as Mon they have the following weeks Shows of Episodes and House of Lies, then the regular Shameless of the week. Forgot to add in Real Housewives of wherever, so it's like Tue till I catch up on Sun night Tv! Plus I already saw the UK airing of Downton months ago. Sigh......

  9. Almost home, can't wait to finish Downton tomorrow. Probably nothing exciting going on, but one could hope.

    1. You survived! I hope it was fun with the kiddos--you are much braver than I am ;)

    2. It was awful actually lol. A learning experience for sure. And by learning experience I mean, learned to not try to do anything with them until they are like 6.

    3. Oh no! Mine are very spread out in age (one is 10 and the other < a year), so in some ways it's harder, but most of the time it's awesome bc my 10 year old is like an extra set of arms. However, they'll never get to make "childhood" memories together, which is kinda sad.

  10. Waiting on my big kid to get to bed, so I can turn on TWD, although I think this week should be tame enough of she catches some of it. She's 10, so I'd hate to be wrong.

  11. ***************************warning girls spoilers**********************

    fuck mimi rose
    why does everyone have their head stuck up her ass
    how does eli roth keep getting jobs??
    sadly i think adam and hannah are the balls on a string b/w fun times with
    mimi r and ace.. i think this is a game they like to play.
    adam and h will be collateral damage
    where was shoshanna and ray?? i needed them

    oh lady h and minpin loved your follow ups on banshee
    didn't think about the drugs all having the same stamp..

    1. Shit I thought that was Z. Quinto playing her ex! Well I was trying to get dinner and eat i peace after I got a party of 3 kiddos out the door!

      *Flaws vs Fate opening was interesting
      *I missed Elijah...I'll do it too!
      *Oh my god if I had a dime for every time I've been compared to the main character of Dangerous Mind or Freedom Writers...
      *Ok so MRH is not only a confirmed psycho and fraud, but much more like Hannah than previously let on. They both use men as pawns.
      *That WAS Zachary Quinto, not Roth
      *Funny how once Hannah was honest with herself about Iowa and missing Adam she could be decent and honest with others
      *So that's why Jessa hooked them up- she wanted Ace for herself. Well, way to outdo your selfishness. That comment about getting preggers was also very off putting
      *Shosh and Ray were absent last night because they ARE DECENT PEOPLE and good friends. They wouldn't go to a shitty art show by their friend's ex's new lover.

    3. quinto uh?? i had to google him
      any friend of jessa's is going to be a confirmed psycho - note to self
      hannah could only come clean to mmr while admiring the fraud in mmr..interesting..

  12. Surprised that Downton Abbey is 2 full hours. I ️too wanted to see Battlecreek. My old acting friend's daughter is on it. Aubrey Dollar had done well after only 20 yrs of trying. Seriously, she's probably been acting since she was 10. Now that's dedication. Oh well next week.

  13. It must be the Christmas Day special that was a month or two after it ended. That's what I did xmas night! Sad I know!
