Saturday, April 25, 2015

Chrissy Teigen On Retouching

Chrissy Teigen made news when she posted the following photo on Instagram.

A photo posted by @chrissyteigen on

Teigen had this to say, as quoted by E! News:

"I actually am working on a cookbook and I was bumping around in the kitchen and the door handle would just nick me every single time. And I was actually just taking a picture of the bruises and then I saw the stretch marks in there. I have those apps, the Facetune and Photoshopping ones, and I just didn’t feel like doing it anymore — and I’m never doing it again, because I think we forget what normal people look like now. I mean, people are nip-tucking [their pictures]. It’s gotten to a point where they’re not smoothing their skin anymore, they are actually changing the shape of their body and everybody else. Nobody can compare to that when you’re fixing yourself so much. It started with Botox and everything, of course, but now it’s just grown into this Photoshop phenomenon and I’ve seen these women in person, they are not like that. Please know that. I’ve shot in barely anything with them and it’s just amazing what people do to tweak themselves.”

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