Monday, February 16, 2015

SNL 40 - Celebrity Jeopardy


  1. I seriously love Jim Carey as Matthew....he does a better Matthew then Matthew!

  2. I wish Alec Baldwin would give go being such a douche and just be funny.

  3. Love this sketch! This isn't Wheel of Fortune.

  4. I also found it funny. And I particularly liked Alec Baldwin, and the fact that they took the time to parody Burt Reynolds. Who under 50 still knows who Burt Reynolds is?

  5. I also found it funny. And I particularly liked Alec Baldwin, and the fact that they took the time to parody Burt Reynolds. Who under 50 still knows who Burt Reynolds is?

  6. I could not love that more!

    Le Tits Now!

  7. I LOVE Celebrity Jeopardy!

    "I'll take Whore Ads for $200."

    "I am not a girl. I have a mustache on my face."

    "What a great, great, great cast of characters. Becky Thatcher! Huck's running buddy, black man, very tall, his name begins with an N..." - "No, no, no, no!"

    "Turd Ferguson. You're not late, you weren't invited." - "I'd like to solve the puzzle, Alex." - "This isn't Wheel of Fortune." (@Nutty, I'm well under 50 and I know Burt, but only because of the car movies I saw as a kid. There was one with a monkey - BJ McKay and his best friend Bear? And for the centerfold that had everyone up in arms, I remember that.)

    Will Ferrell gives the world's best side eye ever.

    Jim as Matthew is hysterical!

    Ending was meh.

    1. wasn't it Darrell Hammond that would play Sean Connery on Jeopardy

  8. I guess this is why they had the Will Ferrell marathon on the Action Channel this weekend.

  9. @Jessi, you're not alone. I love Alec the actor and Bill Murray the actor - the people, not so much. I think you can appreciate talent to a degree that you can ignore the personality. I despise Woody Allen but The Purple Rose of Cairo is one of my favorite movies. Fine line. :/

  10. This skit was funny but who and why with the Christopher Waltz? What was the point there? Otherwise it was pretty good. They made Tony Bennets hair the wrong color.

  11. We always love the Jeopardy sketches.
