Saturday, February 7, 2015

Riley Keough Married

Riley Keough, daughter of Lisa Marie Presley and granddaughter of Elvis, is married. Us Weekly reports that Keough tied the knot with fiance Ben Smith-Petersen on Wednesday in Napa. Guests included Kristen Stewart, Zoe Kravitz, Dakota Johnson, Cara Delevingne, Abbey Lee, and Courtney Eaton. The couple met while filming Mad Max: Fury Road.


  1. I am officially old. Elvis Presley has a granddaughter old enough to get married.

    1. *weeps* I thought the same thing, @GOML.

    2. Add me to the list.

    3. Well, he would be 80 now, so it's not really surprising in that regard; it's just strange realizing that it's been nearly 40 years since he died.

    4. What trips me out is my mom is the same age as Elvis (if he were still alive).

      I still remember where I was when I heard he died. My brother and I were driving around downtown Denver going to Mile High Comics, when the DJ came on the radio and said Elvis was dead. I had just turned 16 yrs old.

  2. Why does she look so mad? And her first name is really Danielle. She uses her middle name. But really, Danielle is nice. Ok, forgive me, im on 2 medications for sinus infection, lololol

    1. I didn't look at the pics earlier, but really, why so pissy looking?! LOL

      Love, love, love that hair color, though!

    2. Thank you meanie- that was my hair color before the bad times, lol ( i mean aging). Its kinda blonde white now, which is pretty cool, but if her haircolor isnt natural, all bets are off!

    3. Aunt, her mother always has a mad look on her face too.

  3. Mazel to the couple. A wedding with KStew, Cara DeLasagna, and Dakota Johnson in attendance must've been very interesting selfie-wise.

    OT: Saw an article on Gawker yesterday that said Dakota and Jamie Dornan haaaaate each other and even admitted it on camera in interviews. I'm rubbing my hands in glee at the Titanic worthy disaster this movie will be. \o/

    50 Shades of [Sigh]: The Disastrous 50 Shades of Grey Press Tour

    1. Wonder why the dislike? Now the movie is based on an idiotic premise, i never read it but. The clips ive seen look well done. She seems very sweet and he is good looking. How so you pretend kiss someone u dont like? Ahhh, show business! Contrast that behavior with Theo James and Shailene Woodley's press tour for Divergent. They seemed like best buds, spoke to everyone and anyone, were fun polite and interesting. THAT'S how you promote a movie!!

    2. 7-11-yikes! Just read article!

    3. Trailer's look horrible. Both are good looking, but in my opinion have zero sex appeal. They should've done anything needed to keep Charlie Hunnam on board. And I actually liked the garbage, trashy books

    4. Did you see how many times they rolled their eyes and looked away from each other?

      Acting is acting and sometimes you can fake chemistry, but I don't think anyone will be surprised by the lack of chemistry off-set if the trailers are any indication. He looks bored and she looks like she's trying really hard to have fun. One of the premises of the story is that just a regular ol' clumsy not awesome supermodel girl can snag a super-hot bazillionaire (remember, this is Twilight fan fic, Bella the clumsy is irresistible to Sparkles the everlasting) and then "heal" him from the trauma of his childhood sexual abuse by submitting to him abusing her.

  4. Who is Abbey Lee that attended the wedding? Dance mom?

  5. Riley's also in the new Mad Max film.

  6. Bee, how they ever think they can make another MadMax movie as good as the first I'll never fathom. That's in my list of faves and I have it on VHS. Sadly they dubbed out that beautiful Aussie accent. I guess at the time they felt that Americans couldn't understand it. LOL.

    1. @Sherry - they've actually finally rerelease Mad Max with the entire original voice soundtrack on dvd (I got it!). That's griped me for years that they did that horrible "American" voice over soundtrack. I still love (most of) Mel's movies he did before he went off the deep end (I fucking HATE What Women like).

  7. Sherry - my hubs is a hardcore Mad Max fan (however i am not allowed to even mention there ever was a 3rd film). The aussie accents make the film!
    This is my little story - a friend at school, Emma Samuels, was the daughter of Joanne, who played Max's wife. Mel, i was told, proposed to her when they were young, before he met Robyn. She (fortunately) didn't accept, but they stayed friends and used to have family holidays w Emma and her brother Jesse and all the Gibson clan.
    Oh, & the actor who played the Toe Cutter is also in the new film (obvs as a different villain)

  8. Cool story, Bee. It looks like Emma never made another film and I was always curious as to why. The gyro copter guy still works a lot. Can you imagine how all those people think of what became of the sweet guy Mel once was. But good googly moogly he was so gorgeous then. I liked Fifi. I guess we're talking more about The Road Warrior and not so much Mad Max. But the hubs is right, #3 was shite. Can't see this 4th being anything on par with #2, which IMO, was actually better than #1.

    1. Our first dog was an Australian Blue Heeler (me and my ex were obsessed with The Road Warrior). We named the dog Wez after Vernon Wells character. I still have both original lobby card sets for Mad Max and The Road Warrior. I have the complete press kit that was issued for The Road Warrior.

      The lobby cards are really cool.

  9. The good news about Max Max Fury Road is that is the man that did the original movies George Miller directed it and Tom Hardy is Max. I'd give it a go. The first movie was really low budget. Now George has money and gadgets and VS models.

    1. Which admittedly doesn't mean better but did I mention Tom Hardy?

    2. Tom Hardy notwithstanding the simplicity of the first two was the beauty of it all dare I say. But I'll concede Tina you could be right. Let's see how they do it before I pooh pooh it.

    3. Question is, is Max still gonna be driving the legendary 1973 XB GT Ford Falcon Coupe, otherwise known as the police Interceptor???

      I actually knew a dude that raced cars that used to have an Interceptor, which is impressive because that's a model that was not released in North America. He and his wife got married in his race car garage. It was beautiful.

  10. Replies
    1. Astrogirl, as another Aussie you aren't horrified that they may screw it up? Good that you're optimistic.

    2. I know this was an Aussie made movie and all but this is a movie that was deeply ingrained in the psyche of many many American teens during our younger years. Obviously The Road Warrior resonates much louder because it was actually released in North America with great fanfare (unlike the horribly dubbed Mad Max). I think that Mad Max (the remake) has a much better chance to be better accepted because there are still people that aren't really as familiar with Max's origin story. I think if done right Tom Hardy and co. could make this spectacular. I really REALLY hope they don't fuck it up. I'm definitely gonna go see this!

    3. I will say everyone I know saw The Road Warrior and then backtracked to finding Mad Max because they were so blown away by the RW.

      Thunder dome was just a sad sad excuse exploit TRW and to make money IMO. Even with Tina Turner (remember Aunty Entity?) and Angry Anderson.

  11. MinPin you now you're making me want to see it now. I saw MadMax first and it made me want to see The Road Warrior. Then I had to get the Mel Gibson film festival.

  12. Co-written, produced and directed by George Miller I'd say Mad Max, Fury Road has an outstanding chance to be a winner. I'm a big fan of Tom Hardy and he's kind of (mostly) flown under the radar in Hollywood, so they aren't sticking someone who is too well known in the lead roll. That plays in their favor in my book. The biggest thing Hardy has done, is play Bane in The Dark Knight series, and ironically they had his face mostly covered like the Lord Hummungus in Road Warrior.

    As long as Miller sticks to the formula and remembers Theron, Nicholas Hoult and other lesser known actors are always secondary to Max and the cars/action, I think we'll be okay.

    The premise of Mad Max Fury Road ia as follows; in a post apocalyptic wasteland, loner Max meets Furiosa, a woman who wishes to cross the desert

    Charlize Theron is cast as Imperator Furiosa (no surprise there)

    Oh and somehow or another, Zoƫ Kravitz has wormed her way into this movie as well. Must be rough to be cute and have famous parents. She's been a bit player in several big $$ films lately (X-men; First Class, Divergent & now Fury Road). She's been decent in what I've seen her in, but I can't really tell if she's much of a real actress or not just yet.

    We've also got Riley Keough and Rosie Huntington-Whitely cast.

    I've seen Riley in Jack & Diane and she wasn't bad. Holy crap apparently she was in the first Magic Mike but I don't know how she was or how much of a part it was. It looks like she's got at least 3 more movie projects coming up. Maybe she'll have the film career that Elvis never did. The girl is only 25 after all.

    I wonder how good Rosie H-W is gonna be in this flick?

    I really hope they don't completely disgrace the name Mad Max with this character reboot. In the small snippet I saw, Hardy actually reminded me (face wise) of a much younger Mel Gibson. Too bad Mel went and disgraced himself beyond all redemption. I really used to love that guy. Boy I guess I really had something to say about this series huh?

    Shit it's 1:43am Sunday. Nobody is probably gonna read this anyway, but I can't sleep!!!
