Sunday, January 25, 2015

SNL Patriots Press Conference


  1. I would love to be a fly on the wall with Brady and Belichick. Brady's got to be pissed he was thrown under the bus.

    Belichick has a theory of how the balls could deflate, but off to read Bill Nye the science guy's report refuting the theory.

  2. Meh, but good for them for trying.

  3. Never trust someone who never smiles, or who constantly smiles..yeah, they're lying..some gofer will get a big payoff for taking the fall.

  4. I am told by an actual Patriot fans that Belichick has managed to get away with all kinds of stunts or "cheating" and all the sports talking heads I've heard didn't believe one word out of Brady's mouth. QBs know those balls inside and out.

    Apparently the Ravens were accused of messing with the balls near the end of the regular season and the Colts thought the Patriots were monkeying around with the balls in their last regular season game.

    To me the penalty should be forfeiture of the win. That's the only way to ensure this never happens again but as a sports reporter said, they can;t do anything now it is too late but if the Patriots win, there will always be an asterix * on the win.

    1. I mean how pathetic you don't have enough confidence in your team to play these kind of childish games

    2. they have no problem taking the gold medal away from Olympic Athletes, I guess they'll need CIA or Navy Seals protecting those footballs at the Superbowl

    3. Interesting Tina! Most of the Patriot fans I know or see post on FB are defending their team to the hilt.

    4. @Tina I agree. I don't see how in the hell the Patriots are being allowed to advance to the Super Bowl. They should be disqualified period! I said the same thing about the Olympics. If you get busted doing anything that's illegal whether or not you knew about it, you get your medal yanked. Like if you thought your coach was giving you "vitamin" shots and there were some steroids mixed in, you still forfeit that medal. Everybody sure had no problem with taking away every medal and title Lance Armstrong ever won and banning him for life.

      Turning a blind eye to this cheating means that football is officially a bullshit sport now. If it's cool to cheat, and everyone KNOWS they're cheating, then what's the point? If the Patriots win the Super Bowl it will be a travesty.

    5. It should be the Colts, as a penalty for cheating.


  5. Since the balls were only deflated for the first half and the Patriots soundly beat the Colts in the second half, too, the win really shouldn't be taken from them. I hate the Patriots SO MUCH, only second to the Cowboys, but I do think they would have won that game anyway.

    That said, Tom Brady is a mother-effing liar and so is Bill Belichick. The reason why the balls were even investigated is because the Colt who caught an interception reported that the ball was deflated. Since each team uses their own balls, the only way they would have been found out is through an interception. So Brady, the center, and all the eligible receivers had to know that the balls were deflated if it was that obvious to an opposing player who rarely handles the ball as a defensive player.

    The thing is, I really think Belichick doesn't view what he does as cheating. I think his attitude is that no one is as smart as he is and if they were, they'd be trying to win as hard as him. This guy was caught cheating on his wife of many years, cheating during the Spygate scandal, and now this. Rules and morals just don't apply to him.

    1. Cheating is cheating. You should be disqualified no matter how the other team played. No exceptions IMO.
