Monday, January 5, 2015

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. First day back at work. Bored as hell.

    1. First day back at work, wishing I didn't have bills to pay because it seriously sucks.

    2. +1 and +1

      If I didn't have crippling medical bills right now, I would focus more on doing what makes me happy instead of counting down until pay day.

    3. Second day back for me (I'm a day ahead) ... blasted air conditioning isn't working and brain fog is setting in sooooo bad. It feels like earthquake weather - it's very still, muggy and eerie ... doo-doo-doo-doo-doo ...

  2. Im still laughing about Jax and Channing getting it on! I have had a sinus headache for 3 days now. Just horrible. Clarinase is my friend.

  3. Stuck at home on couch, about to re-watch Benedict & Marty in Sherlock.

  4. Disappointed by changes to one of my favorite podcast lineups... Adam Carolla show going a new direction swapping out my all time favorite Alison Rosen for Gina someone who is already on my nerves one show into the new year. ("Zip It, Cunt!") Usually enjoy Adam even though he can be a bit much at times & often repeats his stories... but I was really disappointed by his brief explanation that 'she wasn't a good fit for a sidekick' after having her on for the past 4 years (which were some of his best if you ask me!) Stupid or Liar, Adam Carolla? Okay, I'm done. Sorry. I just really like Alison.

    1. WHAT?? She posted on Twitter that she was still continuing on with her podcast, but I didn't know what it meant because I didn't listen to this morning's episode. I'm very disappointed because she was a witty, intelligent, funny part of the show.

    2. @Pink Cashmere: Finally someone who cares! I listened to her new Jo Koy episode this morning & she mentioned that she was no longer with ACS but keeping ARIYNBF. No mention yet if Thursday gang will continue or not or if her podcast will remain on Carolla Digitial. She said she will reveal more over the next few weeks. Then I listened to ACS to hear what happened & he barely addressed it stating that although they tried it out for a while, that the sidekick position just wasn't a good fit for her. I call Stupid or Liar on Adam for that bullshit. If she wasn't a good fit, there's no way he'd sit on it for 4 years. Something went down. Just not sure what! (None of my coworkers or friends are podcast listeners & I'm listening to something throughout the work day every day! Feel much better to vent to someone who has any idea who I'm talking about!)

    3. I've been scouring Twitter...but I can't find anything substantial. Adam is getting a lot of flack from people who are unsubscribing.

      According an article on The Wrap (I think) she's taking her show and will be doing it on her own, without Carolla One Digital. They didn't know if someone else would pick it up (Jay Mohr, I'm looking at you) or if she would produce it herself.

    4. Hmm makes you wonder what REALLY happened there.

  5. On another tangent, I LOVED episode one of Celebrity Apprentice last night! Think it was very telling that although taped over a year ago & before allegations resurfaced, that Rudy Huxtable was not having it at all when castmates suggested she reached out to Bill Cosby!

    1. I thought so too. When she said they haven't spoken in 5 yrs, I did a pearl clutch.

    2. She got really tense about all that. Curious.

  6. As I posted previously, I loved it too Mama Ray. Every season when I hear the line-up I think the show will suck, but these Z listers always come through. Did you catch Kate Gosslin saying she cooks for nine EVERY day? What a crock and I don't mean the pot.

    1. Can't wait to see tonight's episodes! I kind of liked that Kevin Jonas was vocal about Geraldo being a dick to Gilbert Godfrey... Not too many exciting fellas on this season, but the batshit crazy ladies should more than make up for it! :)

    2. (Sorry - missed earlier post with Celeb Apprentice comments! Just logged in & working my way backwards through the posts!)

    3. Cooking for 9 meaning her married boyfriend bodyguard loverboy??

    4. I read they each get 1/2 sandwhich for lunch. Thats some easy ' cooking'. Think body guard finally out of picture. I cant even tell you how foul and mean this woman is.

    5. Now in the old days Kate was very dedicated to making sure all her kids ate healthy organic meals and she did the thing many mothers do, you plan out the menu for a month and freeze what you can etc. I mean after the divorce do they have that much money left of the reality show loot though she sure is spending a lot of money herself these days is that the Dancing with the Stars money??

      I was over at LSA and posters were not happy because they felt that Kate and Brandi were "dry snitching" Kenya because Kenya did not want a pie in the face because it would mess up her hair and both Kate and Brandi said you got plenty of hair back in your room. Well Kate and Brandi did not endear themselves to the Kenya fans over at LSA to say the least LOL and I said the same thing what this is coming from two white women wearing weaves?

  7. I just spent 5 minutes laughing at my dog as he tried to take his jumbo candy cane bone out the dog door. I buy them for him just to watch it. 6 years and the oaf still can't figure out how to get it outside. My female usually takes it out for him, and then I get more laughs listening to him slam the back door trying to get back in. It's the little things!

    1. Double awwww! My poor pups are locked inside the house (they have a doggy door to get out to a grassed courtyard if need be), while I'm stuck at work. It sucks that I haven't won the lottery yet!

  8. Was just lunching in restuarant and had like 4 wk old baby girls in front of and in back of us. TOO CUTE!!! They sound like little kittens mewling.

  9. I watched Wild this weekend, honestly didn't think it was Oscar worthy for Reese.

    1. I think it's a toss up between her and Aniston's chins for Best Supporting anything.

  10. I know so many people that are sick....I hope you get better fast!

  11. Dose up on veg juice & get well soon!

  12. Veg juice? is that like leafs and stuff ?lol. Whats the ingredients ill make it

  13. Aww sorry Dragon for that flu.. I got it too a few weeks ago and it bites!

    I just made a delicious homemade tuna salad with fresh grilled tuna leftovers from the weekend. It was awesome tossed with butter lettuce and an avo.

    Also wanted to bitch about a friend who did me a favor but sort of took advantage of my kindness. He came to get my mail and he came the day after we left for the 10 day vaca...A little early but good because my husband not only forgot to lock our door he actually forgot to even shut it! Luckily no one came in! Apparently he may have stayed here like 7 out of the 10 days!

    Then he smoked almost all my pot. I have a picture of the jar to prove the amount. But that's okay because I have a package for him that's going to be a wee bit shorter than what he paid for. Sorry! (He got a great deal so it's not like I'm cheating him out of money too.)

    1. @Sherry That's my brother-in-law's famous trick! We ask him to keep an eye on the cat/fish if we go away, and coincidentally my hubby's stash is always looking a little low upon return! He lives next door though, so I doubt he crashes at our place, but you never know! He also uses our wifi to run his laptop next door (can't afford his own cable) & we found out recently that he uses our spare key to come over when we are at work to 'reboot the modem' to run his xbox. We finally put 2 & 2 together after the deadbolt kept being locked mid-day (we only use the deadbolt when out of town) turns out he was helping himself then too!

    2. @Sherry, that sucks! Cheeky bugger!

    3. Wow Mama Ray. That's pretty ballsy. I am going to move my stash to somewhere else AND leave the empty jar there..The biggest issue is I got him an ounce like the first of Dec. and then gave him a HUGE amount from my stash already before I left for my house-like 3 fingers of a sandwich sized zip lock bag. I don't smoke very often (4 x a yr maybe) but have friends who grow it and give it to me all the time so it's not like I have cancer and need it. He must be stoned constantly!

      The hardest part is he when he does come over he cleans my house probably out of guilt I think now.

    4. Lol! Hubby moved his stash to the safe, minus a small container. Seemed to do the trick! Wish he would clean for me tho - not too bad of a trade off! ;)

  14. Celery, carrot, apple, kale, ginger, mint and beet would be a good mix for flu.... add other fruits for flavour if you need to.. keep your fluids up, ecinacea drops and multi vit wouldn't hurt either!

  15. People magazine is reporting that Cameron Diaz is getting married today.


    1. Good grief ... she could do SO much better than him ...

    2. It certainly seems sudden. If she weren't over 40, I bet people would be quick to say she had a bun in the oven. Not that it's outside the realm of possibility, I suppose.

  16. They say the rehearsal party was last night in Los Angeles.

  17. Kale, ginger + apple is a delicious mix!

  18. I ended up sleeping until like 2:30-3:00pm today. I've been up 2 nights running and couldn't sleep due to knee pain. I finally popped two muscle relaxers around 5:00am and zonked out until the late afternoon. I guess when you have to sleep, you take it anyway you can get it. BTW I just read that Blake Lively gave birth to her baby before New Years??? God I thought she just announce that she was pregnant like 2-3 months ago. WTF? Zoƫ Saldana was pregnant for like 18 months...what gives? (I haven't been on here for 2 days so I don't know if anyone has already posted this - I'm working backwards through the posts).
