Sunday, January 25, 2015

Instagram Pic of the Day

A photo posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on


  1. Look at the tilted bottles on the right!! Totally, totally photo shopped!!!!!

  2. One of the worst photoshopping jobs I've seen.

  3. Nobody is that skinny with boobs that big.

    1. Beyond photoshopping, not naturally unless a skinny woman gets implants that big - see Jenna Jameson after the severe weight loss.

  4. You guys are good. I wish I could be able to notice it's photoshopped on my own before others point it out! And now that I see it I can not see it and I can't believe I didn't see it before lol!

    1. Totally agree! I saw this pic yesterday and didn't notice the titled bottles!

  5. And I see that LiLo still hasn't discovered they've invented a thing called a bra!!!!!!

  6. These pictures always make me nervous for when I uh photoshop someone. I like zoom in to 200% to make sure I don't have sideways lines. True story lol.

  7. dear lindsay-
    take my shit off
    love calvin

  8. How are the Calvins helping Lilo? Quenching her famewhoredom? Supporting her prolapsed rectum?

    No amount of Photoshop can stop her from looking like a human skid mark

    1. I loved that episode. Butter sez it best, 'i do love water balloons'

    2. Thank you, Lady H, you have funnied up my internet today :)!!!

  9. And she looks like she's wearing a jockstrap.

  10. You HAD to go there, Lady H... *shudder* *stifles gag reflex* I don't want to get into the whole "body shaming" bit here, but when I saw the picture, my first reaction was "Damn, that doesn't even look human!", so I'm relieved to hear that it's probably photoshopped out the wazoo. And yes, if she faked a serious illness to get out of community service/going to court, then I do wish the judge would throw the book at her for once.

  11. The worst part is her laughing at her supposed chikungunya diagnosis. If you really hurt it wouldn't be a, he he, joke about Calvins.

  12. 8******************spoiler alert girls recap**********
    okay lady h i'm dropping my 2 cents here

    so yeah chandra officially hates her and has now stolen 2 bikes
    i bet she will now stay 2 more eps making it 3 total from yesterday
    so it's not jessa with adam so who?? an actress i guess
    i want ray and marni back together .. he gets her and respects her
    but marni is only happy with guys that treat her like shit
    but tonight showed hope
    love that adam called jessa out on her shit but this probably means they'll start fucking too.. he clearly doesn't miss hannah so much as looks for ways to avoid her


    1. ***GIRLS SPOILERS***
      Really? I want Ray and Shosh back together. They're both honest and Ray is too good for Marnie. Marnie likes being mistreated but treats men like shit too, yo.

      *So everybody self destructs via honesty in epic fashion today! Yay!
      *"Im not a mistress! Not if I end up with him!" "You are 1000% the mistress." Could Marnie get worse?!?
      *PS- Ray's dick must be a magic stick that gives mistresses sudden bursts of confidence
      *So Adam is seeing someone else; probably someone in theater. I am thinking that castmate who was hugging up on him in the last finale. So constantly checking on what Adam is up to many not be so crazy after all. I think @teresa was on to something in that they may hook up later. From what I've seen, most of the youngins in AA all end up boning each other. Adam called it though: Jessa may be sober (good for her) but she's still a reckless little turdlette.
      *OMG Hannah will be so MAD at Jessa for not spilling the beans on Adam and his whereabouts with "whatshername"
      *You've had mono five times? Maybe it's something more serious!" How is he so well connected in fucking IOWA?!, Elijah is the best, I'll let this slide. He should be a photographer or a counselor!
      *"Some stories about blow jobs have literary merit!" HA! You only answered authors with penises...your part of it! Hannah should have stopped there. She went from denial, to "triggering claims" to publicly insulting her peers with references to race, sexuality, and mental health. Iowa already has enough to kick her out if Hannah isn't ready to quit on her own. Conduct codes and university principles of community allow for expulsion if a student creates a hostile and disruptive environment. It's not like she's being productive either. Wonder if she will quit like Elijah insists.
      *Funny how Hannah criticizes her only ally, DeAugust, about never going to jail, as Adam is in there.
      *Wherever you go, there you are...

      HeisenThought: Oh are SO douchie Desi's Ann Taylor Loft...

  13. She is vile. The docuseries I faithfully watched cemented my opinion of her FOREVER.

  14. Can't you just see Lindsey 20 years from now (if she's still alive) posing for selfies in a bathroom somewhere? That's what she has to look forward to.
