Monday, January 26, 2015

Goop Wants You To Make Sex Bark For Valentine's Day

In Goop's recent newsletter, there is a recipe for Sex Bark. The recipe is called "quick and potent," although almost none of the ingredients can be found at your local supermarket. One of the ingredients is Sex Dust. See the full recipe here. Would you make this for Valentine's Day?


  1. Oh Goopy,how do I love thee? Let me count the ways

  2. Looks like Moon Pantry is one of her sponsors these days

  3. It's going to cost you $173.18 to make this valentine's day "treat".

  4. Hell naw I ain't makin' no $100 fudge!

  5. God no i wldnt make it. It has buzz words in it i find pretentious- herb, stevia, very chicolatey- and ghee is supp to wreck havic on your digestive system. Imm go with no thank you , fancygirl!

  6. My man will take a $3 candy heart box (or nothing) & like it because he's already potent for me but thanks anyways Goop.

  7. 3 teaspoons Moon Pantry Sex Dust 2 teaspoons Moon Pantry ho shou wu - oh yeah, Safeway across the street is gonna have this shit my ass. Looking it up it will indeed cost around $100 just to make this sex bark. And Sex Dust also already has ho shou wu so why double it? You could get some of these herbs in China town I'll bet. But seriously why bother?

  8. If you need to spend $150+ to make your man want you, Gwyneth, you're doing it wrong.

  9. I suddenly have the urge to use my new dust buster...

  10. And we can see it worked so damn well for her. BTW I've gone to great lengths NOT to be fertile than-you very much. Why don't you just stick to Oysters, good quality chocolate and ginseng? Is anything simple with her?

  11. Does she sit around and think this shit up?

    The bark must not work as Chris Martin has been pairing his sex tree with JLaw's bush.
