Friday, December 5, 2014

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. Replies
    1. @Dena That looks amazing!!!! I'm so setting the DVR to tape it!

  2. Feeling like a pinprick in the universe today

  3. Sadness, I chose to walk away from a friendship. Sometimes doing the right thing is heartbreaking :(

    1. Hugs JoElla! The right thing is often the hardest least enjoyable thing.

  4. Been battling a sinus headache since I woke up. I think I'm gonna go find an unused conference room and take a little nappy-poo.

  5. Dealing with a SUPER gassy newborn.

    1. Have you tried doing he bicycle exercises with the babies legs? Or folding them close to the belly and laying them on the belly and gently patting? Soothing babies is my specialty and I have a few tricks I use!

    2. The bicycle trick works occasionally on him, but I'll try the other position you suggested, that one was new to me!-thanks:)

  6. Just hating myself for procrastinating and deciding to redo my living room. Now I have to put it all back together and still work. No fun.

    1. My boyfriend does the same thing constantly. I'm sometimes afraid to come home because he will have started a project and I'm there just in time to help clean.

  7. Is anyone here FB savvy? I need some help. I have a FB page for my Business...I've never had a PERSONAL FB page EVER. my Business page has my business phone # and not my private cell #. I have never posted my private cell # any where on my business page. I just got a really creepy FB text on my CELL from a user (it doesn't tell me a name, just user #) I'm freaked is this possible?

    1. Did you set the messages from facebook to sync with your text messages? You don't have to give fb your cell number for this to work. Just having messenger on your phone can do it. I also think it's automatic so you'd have to set it to NOT sync up.

    2. No I've never done anything like that at all. I do access FB from my blackberry tho..

    3. I saw yer comment below about not wanting to type out what the messages said, but I have a they seem to be coming from someone that knows you? Maybe FB is sending your Private Messages directly to your phone via text? (I'm not sure if they do that or not, I only access FB from my iPod Touch - never my cell) so FB has never had access to my phone least not that I know of. I'd recommend logging onto your business FB page and seeing if you have private messages that match what you received via text.

    4. That was the first thing I did, unfortunately the messages didn't appear on my business page. On a normal basis any messages sent to my page will go to my business email which will then appear as an email on my phone. I've emailed FB but not yet had a response, I expect I'll get some automatic response.

  8. Took ferry to my daughters house. Waiting for my granddaughter to come home from school- she doesnt know we're here!!!! She will be so happy, which is nice. This evening she will be playing a princess in local production ( read grammar school) Princess and the Pea. Good times for reals!!

  9. @auntliddy, that is so sweet! Your little princess will be so excited!

    @GinaSz, you got a text from FB or from someone on FB? What did it say? You might also check your personal page and see if it's there - the business page will link to your personal page.

    1. Seven, I don't and have never had a personal FB page. Only a business page advertising my business. It was from a person, though I don't know who as their name did not showed up like "User 53252" a bunch of random #'s. I don't want to publicly type what it said but the messages have kept coming all afternoon enough to really freak me out

    2. I'd checkout your privacy settings on your FB page. They have lots of things you can edit for privacy. That's all I can think to do.

  10. Thank you Outtie for this amazing site! I am a long time fan of cdan but stopped going there often for about the last year or so as I was fed up w enty (revealing blinds twice w 2 different answers, indecipherable wording and just being lame). The new side show of disaster that enty created was the last straw and cdan is now dead to me. I rarely comment as I'm Down Under and I'm always late to the party but I had to finally take this opportunity to express my gratitude - thank you.

  11. I'm trying to figure out how to get my nose to quit bleeding. I think it's because of how the central heat dries out my sinuses, but it kind of scares me as much as it's been happening.

    1. I have the same problem Rowdy, only now I am coming down with a cold and every time I blow my nose, it sets it off. Someone told me to get a humidifier. I may break down and go get one.

    2. Audrey, I think I've found the solution (no pun intended, you'll see why lol) to our problem. Get a cheap generic pack of allergy medication (make sure it says it's also for congestion and runny nose) take it as directed and I know it sounds gross but plug your nostril with a kleenex or paper towel/toilet paper. When the bleeding stops and the paper comes out clean, use some Saline Solution (that's the pun lol) Nasal Spray. Plug the nostril again overnight and it SHOULD stop. You can also apply vaseline or triple antibiotic ointment to the paper when you plug it the second time to keep it from pulling the scab away.

  12. Hello ms_jacqui! Glad you made it over here. Yes, Outtie and AG have been a very welcome alternative, seeing as how CDaN appears to be experiencing a slow, painful death. And don't worry about being late to the party--I usually am as well. :)

  13. Welcome Ms. Jacqui, I'm late to the party as well. Maybe we're just part of the evening shift. Cheers, BW

  14. Hang over beer and pizza in the sun listening to cool DJ!
