Monday, December 1, 2014

Mickey Rourke's Opponent Paid to Throw Boxing Match

In a Daily Mail exclusive, two different sources claim Elliott Seymour is homeless and was flown to Russia in order to throw the match against Mickey Rourke. Seymour, 29, went down in the second round to Mickey, 62, and trained in the same Hollywood gym as the star.


  1. Sooo, so, so not surprised to read this. Had he actually beat him on the up and up...I'd have been impressed, and probably would have called you a liar lol. His face......Dear Sweet Baby Jesus holding a puppy........

  2. "Dear Sweet Baby Jesus holding a puppy........"
    Best line ever!!!! @M thank you for that!

    I have to be honest, I am a bit bummed he didn't actually fight a 'fair fight'. I was kinda rooting for him.

  3. You're welcome lol. I don't care how good a shape he's in, he is 62 years old, your reflexes are not going to compete with a 29 year old. Period. Dem the brakes, getting old sucks a bag of cat shit, but that doesn't change the facts.

  4. I don't buy it. Mickey has had every bone in his body including (especially) his face replaced with titanium so he doesn't feel pain anymore when hit.

  5. Well im shocked. Shocked I tell ya.

  6. No waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!
    A man the same age as my dad, with a history of drug and alcohol abuse, didn't actually beat a man less then half his age fair and square?

  7. I've been involved in other competitions in USSR and they were fixed too. Seems like its almost normal there!!

  8. russia not playing fair?? i don't believe you??
    next you'll say there's no santa clause!!
