Friday, December 19, 2014

Kardashian Korner

Free at last! Bruce Jenner can whip his hair back and forth in peace, because his divorce from Kris Jenner was finalized yesterday, according to TMZ. Congratulations, Bruce! Treat yourself to a mani pedi!

In other Kardashian news, Kim Kardashian has surpassed Justin Bieber and now has the most followers on Instagram.

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

(Because you don't want your baby ruining your selfie)


  1. Baby Nori is the only decent looking one in that family---

  2. She seriously DID not crop out her kid...I just words

    1. I'm no Kim defender, but she's addressed this. She said Nori's eyes were closed and this specific pic wasn't about Nori and she wasn't going to put her on the bathroom floor, which made sense. I'm OK with it.

    2. She said she was feeling fer look.
      honestly I'm surprised kimmode feels anything anymore. And North is the only one who shows any real emotions in that robot whore family. She hasn't been desensitized by Kris (call me Kardashian bitches now!!) Yet..give it time little one.. give it time..

    3. Ah, thanks. I wasn't interested enough to go back & look for it and I don't follow the Tribe of Ks.

    4. She lied. The edge of the kid's eyes were enlarged by some whizz on another site who said she was definitely looking up.

  3. It looks like she's in a bathroom.

    I feel for that little girl and hope she grows up to be someone who has zero interest in fame and reads books during dinner and refuses to wear couch covers to award ceremonies.

    1. Dont hold your breath----maybe she will have some of her dads talent though (he was once a great musician)

  4. I read that Kim said she cropped North out because her eyes were closed. Perhaps it's just because I have 800 kids I notice little things on kid faces, but that kids eyes are open. At least we can't see ass crack or boobs.

    1. That excuse is even worse then saying nothing at all...she cropped her baby out because her baby didn't look perfect and it ruined the shot

    2. lets see---a brick wall or my child.....

    3. For some reason, this doesn't bother me at all. I might be wrong, but I don't think it's a big deal. There are hundreds of pics of Nori & KK. Maybe snot was running out of her nose or she had her finger up her nose or something. Kids do weird shit, that's all I'm saying. I looked at it & thought "if this was anyone other than Kim Kardashian, would I give a shit?"

    4. Except who else but KK would feel the need to take a selfie at that moment?

    5. Again, I'm not defending KK, but I see many, many selfies of young mothers and their children taken in bathrooms. Hundreds, frankly. It's where they take pics. I don't know if it's the lighting of the mirrors or just that both occur together. Hundreds.

    6. I agree even with most of baby Nori's face cropped out, you can tell her eyes are open! Maybe they were crossed or she is making a funny face but that's definitely the face of an alert baby with open eyes.

  5. Narcissist at work! The baby just gets in the way of showing off those contoured cheekbones!

  6. Nori probably closing her eyes and wushing when she opened them this kim person wld be gone, lol. And really, who yhe hell follows her??!! Fir what?! More vapid selfies? The poor baby dressed like cruella de ville? You dont see kourtneys kids walking around in shrouds!

  7. Right, @Tabby?! And what a crap crop job it is, too.

    The people that follow her probably fall into one of three categories (based on comments on her instagram): people who love her (see below), people who like watching train wrecks, and spammers. She shills A LOT on her instagram, and the spammers go for it, too.

    Get over it... Who cares? If she wanted to do this, let her do this!!! It's her own decision!!! Stop the hate! Im really sure that someone who's hating on this pic cutted her child from a pic tooπŸ˜’ @kimkardashian Is the best! North is so cute! But kim has her own life and she can make her own decisions.

    1. "Cutted her child from a pic too" That right there says it all lol

  8. Oh and yeah, bruce, hooray, celebrate with a quart of chunky monkey.

  9. Nori:

  10. I'm okay with Nori being cropped out...the less exposure that poor child has, the better, IMO.

    What I don't like is...she took a selfie in a bathroom with her child? Really?!

    1. I took a selfie in the loos at the hospital, but it was just before dialysis *hangs head in shame*

  11. If you're holding a baby, especially your own, how could the thought of a selfie even enter your mind?

  12. @Meanie and Kat----never let good lighting go to waste!

    1. You're right Derek. Everyone knows the best lighting is in the drivers seat of your car, which Kim has no access to so she has to settle for second best. Which is a dirty fecal splashed bathroom.

  13. Maybe Kanye made her crop North out?

    1. I wondered that. Maybe there's a specific number of pics of her to be published or something. I wouldn't doubt he counts them.

    2. To me, this makes the most sense. He's in complete control and she wants to keep that gravy train running, so she pretty much has to do what he tells her to. It's much easier to say the kids eyes were closed than to say she's just doing what she's told.

    3. Which no one will think is awful.

  14. What can we do to make them go away??? DIE DIE DIE~!

  15. It doesn't even look like Kim took the picture herself, so she easily could have handed over the kid, too. Although I really think she purposely cropped it in this manner to create "controversy." Don't these celebs pay for IG followers, anyway? Like half of them are robots or something?

    1. Instagram started deleting those accounts yesterday. I heard on the radio this morning that Akon lost 50% of his followers and that kid who rapped with Diddy AGES ago, I forget his name, went from over a million to less than 100,000. He deleted his account.

    2. Ma$e. Flu medicine got me all messed up today. Sorry guys.

    3. @Tabby, I still love Ma$e, Feel So Good.

      Yay for Bruce!

  16. How are you feeling your look w a toddler on your lap? Ugh....

  17. I wonder if she washed her hands.....?
    phones are nasty with shitty bits - leave them out of the WC people!

  18. Can one of Kim's fans explain what exactly they like about her? I'm being very serious. She doesn't seem to me to have much to offer other than an incredible talent to gain publicity for nothing.

    I don't get the appeal although the mother is the truly loathsome one. PMK is more avaricious than the Shah's sisters and Jackie O combined: I have no doubt she's already started the bidding on the sale of North's virginity.

  19. I wish the Kardtrashians would do something to offend North Korea so they would get their show hacked and then cancelled.
