Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Deep Thoughts

What are you doing New Year's Eve?


  1. celebrating with friends on Friday---watching Strange Sex marathon on TLC and eating chinese food...

    1. strange sex??never heard of it only in canada??

      i'll be on sofa w/ furbabies watching tv

    2. no it is on TLC and it is hilarious!

    3. What is so strange about it - fetishes 'n stuff?

    4. This seems like the perfect spot to place this:

      You're welcome :-)

    5. @ Stepforded. I thought I'd seen it all... lol

  2. Stopping by a friends party for a little while, then to the Belly Up to see a concert. Both are close to home, which is how I like it.

    Happy New Years to everyone and be safe tonight.

    1. Have fun @ALNL. I love Belly Up! I knew one of its founders, who passed on several years ago. Is it still owned by the Pacific Coast Grill guys now?

    2. Yes Phil and Steve from PCG still own it. I think they've done a good job keeping it close to what it was, but expanding the brand (I.e. Concerts at Petco).

      Did you decide whether you are hitting up Encinitas or downtown for NYE.

  3. Watching When Harry Met Sally! And bundling up; it's freezing in LA!!

    1. Pobrecita, it's going to be 17 here. Alcohol makes that go away though!

    2. Its 7 degrees where I am - I wish I was in LA!

  4. Wait, wait! I thought we all agreed to sit in front of our computers and hang out together all night. Didn't we? Well crap!

    1. I could direct you to another site which I can guarantee that will be happening....

    2. I'm afraid to ask. You might send me to some site filled with rubber suit people.

    3. Haha no, although some of them should consider that ; )

    4. OMG Derek! Thank you for that! Happy New Year!

  5. Dinner out then hanging at a friends house.

  6. Bar crawling with my girls! Tonight will be a success so long as I end up back at home with a California burrito after last call. Happy New Years!

    1. Aim higher girl! Bring back a man or at least some good drugs haha

    2. i thought that's what she meant by a "ca burrito"

  7. I'm going to watch the last few episodes of Bob's Burgers on Netflix.

    I'm saving my New Year's revelry for Friday night.

  8. Playing drunk jenga, and then probably going to watch some old dudes rock out with their cocks in their pants hopefully. Could be awesome, could be lame. Either way I'll probably be intoxicated and full of great ideas that involve things that would get me arrested in a bigger town.

  9. Watching "A Hard Day's Night" on TCM at 9:45 p.m. Best rock movie ever.

    1. I noticed they are showing rock movies all night---Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix etc

    2. Yep, will stick around for the whole batch. But none of them tops the Beatles.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. OMG! That is horrible! That's.....Torture....Isn't it?

    2. Dang 7 what did you say?

      Oh @Derek..words, I have none to help you with that *tries not to giggle*

  11. Picking up SO from work at 2 for a late lunch/early supper, then back to an empty house (WOOT!) for movies and fun times and early-ish bedtime for when the idiot frat boys next door celebrate "Australian New Year's" with fireworks at 11.30PM. I told them last year that Aussie New Year happened in the morning and they were all, "No, that's our new year! Theirs is the night before!" Oh, you dumb pretty hunks, if you didn't haul my trash bins in every Thursday and let me sponge your wifi when mine is down, I don't know how we'd get along.

  12. Working. I must finish the edits on a client's novel and then do some work on my own current book. Ah, the glamourous life of an editor/writer.

  13. I'm making a dinner of ham, mussels, and sides with a nice VC champagne midnight toast. OH and a movie marathon with my girlfiriends while the boyfriend Ubers tonight...gotta make that cheddar! I'm really excited for the marathon cause I'm introducing the girls to Showgirls...

    how they have avoided that cinematic masterpiece is beyond me!

  14. Cooking dinner, wine, putting my two babies to bed, and watching a movie with my husband. That's about as crazy as it gets with a newborn in the house;)

    1. Just wait until babies turn 16 - that's a whole new crazy. Happy New Year's :)

    2. I can't even imagine! Happy New Year to you, too!

  15. After the kidlings all leave for a party, I am breaking out a bottle of Bailey's and my Sons of Anarchy episodes. I have never watched it but you folks here at AG have me all atingle with your messages. I hope Charlie Hunnam's ass is as spectacular you say it is.

    1. @Lisi T, oh it is, girlfriend, it truly is. I don't watch the show but I will watch every single Jax Butt clip I can get my greedy little hands on. :D

    2. Can't look away... can't look away...

  16. I'm a single mom so tonight will be like any other night. Put the kiddo in bed by 8 then watch some trashy tv and pass out by 10 or 11pm. Exciting stuff.

  17. Going to a friends to eat, hang out in their rec room. Was planning on making a cool dinner but pushed that to tomorrow since it was going to be with the Bickerson's.

  18. We're staying home and roasting brussels sprouts & parsnips. (HA-ted those veggies as a kid, now I think they're delicious!) Gonna wash em down while they're hot with hard cider. Happy New Year everyone!

  19. It's 1st January where I am today. Last night we had a we soiree that went into the wee small hours. We're heading off to (yet another) BBQ in a few hours' time; then we'll no doubt be sleeping our sore heads off :-)

  20. Not sure what we are doing tonight.
    Maybe Hubby and I will sneak out for a nice dinner. Today is the 25th anniversary of our first date. Looking back all of those years ago, NOBODY thought it would last. Now, we have been married for 21 years and have a 20, 18 and 15 year old <3

  21. I went out for dinner (set menu, 9 tapas dishes - SO FULL) and then wandered down to the harbour to watch the fireworks on the bridge. Super chilled night, so great.

  22. Going to a party with an Ex, should be interesting!

    1. @Gina. THAT is interesting!
      Have fun and report back please.

  23. Watching the Penny Dreadful marathon and dining on lobsters, mussels, and clam chowder with champagne. I I'm going to have one bell of a migraine. Right now it's a toss up.

    Everyone have a happy and safe new year!

    1. @Jenn - we're in bed watching the Penny Dreadful marathon too!!! Hubby is fighting the flu so we're tucked in and he gets a shot of cold/flu remedy every 6 hours with a Gatorade chaser. Hopefully he'll be past the worst by the new year. I'm sticking to good old H2O.

    2. I hope he feels better soon! Keep pumping that Gatorade into him.

      I'm lucky, my husband is cooking for us. I really love Penny Dreadful, even though horror is usually not my thing. I love the literary and history all mixed up. Can't wait for the next season. Showtime ordered a longer season.Yay!

    3. Yeah I love the way they've combined a couple of literary characters in with the "new" ones. Everyone on here thinks they're the ONLY one who has a deep dark secret. I swear shooting some of these scenes must have completely wiped Eva Green out. I can't imagine too many actresses in Hollywood who could have played Vanessa Ives. Maybe Jolie or Blanchett. Pretty freakin intense.

      BTW super jealous about you eating lobster, mussels and clam chowder. That sounds awesomely delicious! Happy New Year!

    4. I love that it is Eva Green and not a big Hollywood name. You're right about few actresses to pull off the part convincingly and it must be grueling for Eva . She probably won't get any recognition, other than from you, me and other fans.

      Dinner was delicious. Wish I could have shared! We get lobsters delivered from Maine about 4 times a year. I grew up in MA and vacationed in Maine every summer. I miss the ocean!

  24. for new years day hangover plans
    what better way to start on all those 2015 resolutions than with Dorito powder-coated fingers? Starting tomorrow, the avid Snap Chatters over at Taco Bell want to make sure you live más this year and are handing out one million free Doritos Locos Tacos during the month of January. Taco Bell has managed to sell over one billion of the novelty taco creation since it debuted two years ago.

    According to the Huffington Post, there is one obstacle standing between you and stunt food glory: To receive a taco, you must place an order through the chain's new mobile app. Customers will receive one free taco with every order placed. The Inquisitor writes that the app has been downloaded 1.4 million times, which means that you already have some serious competition — unless, of course, you have already secured a lifetime supply of food from comedian Dave Letterman's favorite chain.

  25. I have a date with my sofa and my pvr. I am not a big partier especially on NY Eve, where everything is double the price and so not worth the effort.

  26. We have Mimosas for our NYE hangovers. The best cure for a hangover is to stay drunk! Lol !
